“The recipients of this award were selected based on their successful completion of their doctoral studies within the standard four-year period, with no more than one extra year, and their excellent results and achievements in their dissertation. For example, as for natural sciences and medicine, the recipients of this award often were original authors of articles in the top quartile of magazines and journals in their respective fields,” Šárka Pospíšilová explains. The requirements for the recipients were also based on the Principles of effective and top-quality doctoral studies at MU, which is a series of principles on which the university’s transformation of the doctoral studies in general is based.
This being a new award, Vice-rector Pospíšilová plans to recognise successful doctoral studies and their lecturers on an annual basis. “The main goal of this award is to motivate our current doctoral studies to complete their studies within the regular time period and with top quality results. Recognising those who have managed to do so is among a series of activities undertaken by the university to improve the quality of doctoral studies,” Pospíšilová adds. The award carries a financial bonus of CZK 25,000 for both the student and their lecturer.
Masaryk University considers doctoral studies to be one of the pillars of a well-functioning university. It strives for the continuous development of the programme, and makes sure it is more effective. It also sees that its graduates find employment in science as well as outside the academic environment as a whole. Doctoral students at MU can get involved in a variety of unique courses and workshops aimed at, in particular, transferable skills under the auspices of MUNI PhD Academia, a concept of growth and development of doctoral studies beyond the scope of their studies.
For the academic year 2020/2021 the following 40 pairs of graduates and their lecturers were recognised (listed alphabetically by the name of the graduate):
Pavol Bárdy and Roman Pantůček, study programme Molecular and cell biology and genetics (Faculty of Science)
Jaroslav Bartík and Martin Oliva, study programme Archaeology (Faculty of Arts)
Jakub Bechný and Osvald Vašíček, study programme Economy (Faculty of Economics and Administration)
Jaroslav Bendík and Ivana Černá, study programme Informatics, plan Technology and methodology of computer systems (Faculty of Informatics)
Petr Bílek and Zdeněk Bonaventura, study programme Physics, plan Plasma physics (Faculty of Science)
Luboš Brabenec and Irena Rektorová, study programme Neurosciences, plan Neurosciences (Faculty of Medicine)
Jana Bujnáková and Anna Zelenková, study programme Philology, field of study Theory and history of Slavic literature (Faculty of Arts)
Ivan Di Liberti and Jiří Rosický, study programme Mathematics and Statistics, plan Algebra, number theory and mathematical logic (Faculty of Science)
Stanislav Drápela and Karel Souček, study programme Physiology, immunology and developmental biology of animals (Faculty of Science)
Šimon Džatko and Lukáš Trantírek, study programme Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformatics (Faculty of Science)
Eva Ellederová and Tomáš Janík, study programme Specialisation in pedagogy, field of study Didactics of foreign language (Faculty of Education)
Adam Franc and Radek Horáček, study programme Specialisation in pedagogy, field of study Theory of arts and gallery education (Faculty of Education)
Anna Grůzová and Roman Doušek, study programme Historical sciences, field of study Ethnology (Faculty of Arts)
Filip Hampl and Jaroslav Sedláček, study programme Finance (Faculty of Economics and Administration)
Lukáš Hamřík and Petr Kaniok, study programme International relations and European politics (Faculty of Social Studies)
Kateřina Havlová and Jiří Fajkus, study programme Genomics and proteomics (Faculty of Science)
Ladislav Hrabčák and Michal Radvan, study programme Theoretical legal sciences, field of study Financial law and financial sciences (Faculty of Law)
František Kasl and Martin Škop, study programme Theoretical legal sciences, field of study Law of information and communication technologies (Faculty of Law)
Jan Kolčava and Pavel Štourač, study programme Neurosciences, plan Neurology (Faculty of Medicine)
Václav Křížek and Petr Osolsobě, study programme Theory and history of art and culture, field of study Aesthetics (Faculty of Arts)
Eliška Kuchovská and Luděk Bláha, study programme Environmental health sciences, plan Environmental chemistry and toxicology (Faculty of Science)
Konstantin Kutashev and Martina Dvořáčková, study programme Genomics and proteomics (Faculty of Science)
Veronika Leláková and Jan Hošek, study programme Phamacognosy (Faculty of Pharmacy)
Cosimo Lobello and Šárka Pospíšilová, study programme Life sciences, field of study Bio-omics (Faculty of Science), Šárka Pospíšilová has waived the financial award
Martin Majcík and Klára Šeďová, study programme Pedagogy (Faculty of Arts)
Martina Nechvátalová and Jiří Urban, study programme Chemistry, plan Analytical chemistry (Faculty of Science)
Zuzana Nováková and Klára Hilscherová, study programme Environmental health sciences, plan Environmental chemistry and toxicology (Faculty of Science)
Petra Paclíková and Vítězslav Bryja, study programme Physiology, immunology and developmental biology of animals (Faculty of Science)
Petra Pejšková and Lukáš Čajánek, study programme Biomedical sciences, plan Cell and tissue morphology (Faculty of Medicine)
Lucie Pešková and Tomáš Bárta, study programme Biomedical sciences, plan Cell and tissue morphology (Faculty of Medicine)
Lenka Radoňová and Martin Anger, study programme Physiology, immunology and developmental biology of animals (Faculty of Science)
Magdaléna Rychetská and Dušan Vávra, study programme Philosophy, field of study Religion studies (Faculty of Arts)
Jiří Sedmík and Mary Anne O'Connell, study programme Life sciences, field of study Bio-omics (Faculty of Science)
Sonali Sharma and Marek Mráz, study programme Life sciences, field of study Bio-omics (Faculty of Science)
Lucie Sovová and Petr Jehlička, study programme Environmental studies (Faculty of Social Studies)
Jaroslav Stanovský and Petr Kyloušek, study programme Philology, field of study Romance literatures (Faculty of Arts)
Petra Tesařová and Petr Táborský, study programme Chemistry, plan Analytical chemistry (Faculty of Science)
Federico Tidu and Jan Frič, study programme Biomedical sciences, plan Biochemistry and molecular biology (Faculty of Medicine)
Eva Vášová and Miloslav Jůzl, study programme Psychology, field of study Clinical psychology (Faculty of Arts)
Jiří Vodička and Ilona Jančářová, study programme Administrative law and Environmental law, field of study Administrative law and Environmental law (Faculty of Law)