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Ten Principles for Saving Energy at Masaryk University

MU has launched the #MUNISAVES campaign, the goal of which is to contribute to saving electricity, water, and natural gas. In line with its strategy, MU encourages employees and students to behave responsibly by following the Ten Principles for Saving Energy.

Employees and students can save in different ways. For example, there are different options available to students attending lectures at the University Campus and to non-academic employees sitting in offices in the city centre. Everyone though can share the same vision for the University community and do their part.


Don’t heat the air outside!
Keep the heat below 21°C and ventilate intensely but briefly!

Go easy on the air conditioning!
Use air conditioning only when necessary.

The lights are on, but nobody’s home!
Does that light really need to be left on? If not, shut it off!

On standby 24/7?
Don’t leave devices in standby mode and disconnect your phone from the charger once it’s full.

Let the sunshine in!
Make use of natural lighting and turn off the lights if there is enough light coming through the windows.

Too hot to handle!
Don’t use energy-guzzling devices such as electrical space heaters.

Control the flow!
Don’t run taps and showers at full flow – you can save up to 8 litres per minute!

A drop of responsibility!
Report dripping taps or leaking toilets to Building management!

Only short songs in the shower!
Don’t shower for longer than necessary! Shortening your shower by 1 or 2 minutes will save up to 600 litres of water per month, not to mention the savings on hot water heating!

Fill up that washer!
Fill washing machines with as much laundry as you can and choose the lowest water temperature possible.

Information about all Masaryk University activities related to sustainable development is available on the website