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MU presented its MUNI BioPharma Hub project to companies

Last week the modern co-working centre Clubco Vlněna hosted Masaryk University’s meeting of its business platforms and the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Meeting business platforms and the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce.

The key topic of the meeting was the presentation of the MUNI BioPharma Hub project and the opportunities associated with it. In doing so, Masaryk University has made another step towards the synergy of the academic world and the world of business. Attending the event were nearly one hundred representatives of companies, the university and its spin-off companies. They received detailed information on the specifics of the MUNI BioPharma Hub project which represents a unique combination of modern teaching facilities for the Faculty of Pharmacy and top-quality research infrastructure of the pre-clinical centre and the Centre for Molecular Medicine of Masaryk University.

“Masaryk University is a school of high standards that are increased and raised continuously. This is the case of MUNI BioPharma Hub, as another significant opportunity to move the university knowledge towards the application sphere,” said Vice-Rector for External Relations and Life-long Learning Martin Kvizda.

Head of the Department of Histology and Embryology Aleš Hampl and his colleagues presented a unique Pre-clinical centre, a joint project of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science, while the Centre for Molecular Medicine was presented by Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies Šárka Pospíšilová along with Filip Pardy from the Genomics Core Facility.

“It is great that we could present to the wider general public the potential of the project that builds on the synergy of educational and science-and-research activities in the area of biotechnologies and medicine across several faculties, including cooperation with the University Hospital Brno and other partners. The better the cooperation, the better the opportunities for cooperation that are going to open up,” said David Póč, director of the strategic project MU 2021+ to which the MUNI BioPharma Hub belongs.

The event included the presentation of the current activities in MU’s spin-off companies as well as the invited companies. It was organised by the Technology Transfer Office in coordination with the chamber’s platform Life Sciences 4.0 which strives for partnerships among businesses in the field of life sciences and university entities for the sake of improved competitiveness of local companies.

The project receives financial support from the city of Brno within the framework of the project entitled Platforma Life Sciences 4.0 – odkaz G. J. Mendela, as well as through the Operational Programme Research, development and education within the project entitle “Development of human resources and other strategic areas for the support of research at Masaryk University”.