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MU has a new strategy for sustainability

The preparation of a new sustainability strategy during the fall semester saw the participation and productive cooperation involving employees, faculty members and students. In a series of workshops, they addressed specific issues and had the opportunity to present their comments on the topics involved. The strategy, whose preparation is linked to an NPO project, was ultimately approved and adopted.

The strategy entitled Strategie Udržitelná Masarykova univerzita 2025–2028 (Sustainable Masaryk University 2025–2028) constitutes a thorough concept which builds on and clarifies the existing Masaryk University Strategic Plan 2021–2028 with respect to the issues of sustainability. It is based on the defined mission, vision and values of MU which incorporate sustainability, and it emphasises opportunities which MU offers to the members of its community and the society at large on the path towards sustainability, and it defines other measurable indicators and outcomes. “The strategy approaches sustainability within the broad spectre defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It develops the environmental aspect as well as the economic and social aspect in the long run,” Head of the Bursar’s Office and editor of the document Richard Hubl explains.

The four pillars of the strategy (education and teaching, research and doctoral studies, internal culture and social impact and administration) cover all key areas of key importance for the further development of the university.

Linking experts from all corners of the university

Rubbing shoulders at the workshops were experts from all parts of the university, due to the process of creation of the strategy being open and transparent. Inspirational ideas were presented in informal debates and the mix of workshops, insights and proposals made for a very dynamic and interactive environment which produced some very well-thought-out recommendations.

Numerous new partnerships across the university have been established as well. “The coordination of experts from various faculties and cost centres has been significant added value. This level of cooperation has enabled us to broaden the relevant topic to include even broader knowledge, which was a big plus for the final document,” says HR manager of the Faculty of Social Studies Gabriela Vybíralová, adding that she sees her personal contribution in the form of the part of the strategy pertaining to internal culture and social impact. “This part is important in that it allows the university to be an academic centre as well as a place where values are cherished with respect to social responsibility, not just with respect to sustainability as such,” she says.

Head of the Office for Research and Project Support at the Faculty of Informatics Veronika Jirsová found the workshops very much beneficial. “It was interesting to learn about the impact of certain measures at various faculties, or how individual parts of the university have approached the issue, and from what perspective. The debate was often fruitful and it has revealed all kinds of perspectives and ideas. This format made it easier to exchange ideas and to build awareness about the issue across the university, which I think is important. The collective approach selected by the organising team was instrument in the successful implementation of the strategy,” Jirsová noted.

Workshop participants spoke very highly of the fact that the document has not been prepared by a third-party entity which would not take the needs of MU personally. “The fact that we came up with the strategy internally, without outsourcing it to a third-party company, makes me happy. It is a strategy created on the bottom-up basis with participation from all stakeholders, including the rector’s office, all faculties, libraries, Teiresiás or CEITEC, which means we were able to come up with a document backed by all key parts of the university,” says Jana Soukopová from the Faculty of Economics and Administration who has long specialised in sustainability.

“I believe that the strategy will help us get the basic principles of sustainability under our skin, to become a natural part of our thinking and actions,” Jiří Žgánič Šprdlík from the library of the Faculty of Arts adds.


What does the strategy mean for your faculty or department?

Lenka Goldmannová, secretary of the Faculty of Sports Studies
The strategy introduces an important framework and broadens the understanding of sustainability. It also includes the key topic of resilience. Now we have to discuss the specific ways of implementing the strategy. I believe these will be meaningful processes.

Veronika Jirsová, Head of the Office for Research and Project Support of the Faculty of Informatics
Sustainability is a key topic for me, as it permeates my entire professional experience. I have always believed that it is not just a value you declare but actual manifestation of your life and work. I believe this sustainability strategy will translate into specific benefits for the university, from operational efficiency to stronger culture of responsibility and long-term goals. We heard many inspirational ideas at the workshops, with the potential of actually affecting the operation of faculties and other parts of the university. If we implement them, it may actually help the university reduce its impact on the environment and boost its reputation of a progressive and responsible institution. I am hoping that our faculty joins the efforts to prove that sustainability can be incorporated in everyday operations. I am looking forward to seeing actual results and the progress towards more responsible and even more sustainable operation of the entire university.

Jakub Treml, Vice-Dean for External Relations, Strategy and Development, Faculty of Pharmacy
I hope this strategy will translate into what we consider important in the area of sustainability. Based on the university-wide document our faculty will be adopting our own, reflecting the special circumstances of our faculty. The topic of sustainability vis-à-vis pharmaceuticals and their consumption and the relevant environmental impacts will be reflected in some of the courses taught at our faculty.

Gabriela Vybíralová, HR manager of the Faculty of Social Studies
The Faculty of Social Studies plans to proceed at an “easy pace” towards eliminating stereotypes and creating opportunities for an open dialogue across all fields of study. Our vision is to foster an environment of mutual understanding, not just among students, but also among faculty members and employees. Our goal is to make sure the activities carried out under this strategy are inspirational and beneficial, but also practical for everyday operation of the faculty and, for that matter, everyday life. We want to incorporate these principles in our philosophy and the academic environment and workplace culture. A working group was established at our faculty two years ago which deals with the issues of sustainability. It has become a key platform for a discussion and presentation of concrete steps towards sustainability. It will continue to play a key role in the implementation of the faculty-level strategy. We want to prove that the path towards sustainable future begins where doors to dialogue are opened and where barriers are knocked down.

Jana Soukopová, Associate Professor, Department of Public Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Administration
I have high hopes for this strategy. As it was prepared as a university-wide document, it gives me the opportunity to implement it at our faculty. I am hoping for the creation of an equally pleasant communication platform where debate will ensue and where the willingness to change things for the better will be evident. The benefits for the Faculty of Economics and Administration and the university as such include new partnerships, new contacts and new forms of cooperation across the university, or a new form of communication and preparation of all key documents.

The Sustainable Masaryk University Strategy was developed within the activities of the project "NPO 7.4. - Promotion of Green Skills and Sustainability at MU" 0016/NPO74_PZDU_VS.