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Masaryk University in 2025

This article outlines the plans of Masaryk University and its units for the new year, especially a number of upcoming investment and research projects.

This year Masaryk University is once again facing a number of important projects, changes and challenges. Major investment projects will be launched or continued, and the University will continue to focus on increasing the number of successful graduates and supporting talented people. But there will also be moments of celebration.

106 years of MU

The year 2025 marks the 106th anniversary of the founding of Masaryk University. At the end of January, the traditional meeting of the academic community will take place, during which Rector Martin Bareš will award thirteen people with MU silver and gold medals.

BioPharma Hub

BioPharma Hub.

Major investment projects include the continuation of the construction of the MUNI BioPharma Hub, which began last year. This is the second largest investment in the University’s history and, in addition to significantly expanding the educational infrastructure of the Faculty of Pharmacy, it will also provide new opportunities for the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Science, CEITEC and the Faculty of Sports Studies. In addition, interdisciplinary collaborations with the Faculty of Economics and Administration, the Institute of Computer Science, the Faculty of Arts and others are already being prepared.

Reconstruction of the Faculty of Informatics

The premises of the Faculty of Informatics in Botanická Street are about to undergo a major transformation. The Faculty has begun construction of a new building, which will replace the existing Building D. The investment of CZK 751 million includes not only the demolition of the old Building D and the construction of a completely new five-storey building, but also the refurbishment of parts of Buildings B and C. The project will provide the Faculty with new teaching spaces, specialised classrooms, research laboratories and staff offices.

Sports hall

Other major investments include the extension of the Faculty of Informatics complex and new sports facilities. The sports infrastructure in the form of a new complex on the Bohunice Campus will not only advance the educational opportunities for the Faculty of Sports Studies, but will also serve the entire university for compulsory PE courses and other activities promoting a healthy lifestyle. Construction of the complex is expected to begin this autumn.

Strong demographic cohorts

An ongoing challenge is to prepare the University for the coming strong demographic cohorts. The University is adjusting its enrolment strategies to arrest the decline in enrolments, while focusing on improving the efficiency of the students’ journey through studies to reduce the dropout rate. University-wide changes are complemented by faculty initiatives to expand staff and infrastructure capacity.

Scholarships for PhD students

A big change is coming to doctoral studies. Thanks to an amendment to the Higher Education Act, reimbursement for doctoral students should increase to 1.2 times the minimum wage, or approx. CZK 24,000.

Space missions

The Faculty of Science will participate in two space missions, Norbert Werner’s team will observe space and experts from the Department of Geography will conduct remote observations of the Earth.

Major research projects

Researchers at Masaryk University will launch a number of new projects. Among the most prestigious and extensive are four projects that have received support from the Operational Programme Johannes Amos Comenius’s call “Man and Humanity in the Global Challenges of Today”, focused on social sciences and humanities. Each of them will receive support of almost CZK 150 million. The Faculty of Social Studies is sponsoring a research project entitled “On Our Own: Opportunities and Risks of Individualisation of Society” and the Faculty of Arts has succeeded with the project “A Whole Life with Language: The Nature and Ontogeny of Linguistic Communication” (LangInLife). Support was also given to the SYRI project “Research on Peripheries for Strengthening the Resilience of Czech Society” and a project by the Faculty of Economics and Administration titled “Ageing of the Population and Related Challenges for Health and Social Systems” (AGEING-CZ).

The Faculty of Science will host another MUNI Award in Science and Humanities grant recipient astronomer Tereza Jeřábková, who focuses on understanding how stars form in different environments.

Increase in the number of students at the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine has already increased the number of students studying general medicine in recent years, and now faces a new challenge in the form of a government programme to increase the number of students studying in non-medical degree programmes.