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Madalina B. Moraru receives eleventh ERC grant for MU

The European Research Council (ERC) announced the results of the prestigious 2022 ERC Starting Grants. Among the 3000+ applicants for the financial support by the leading European institutions for the funding of top research and development was a project submitted by Madalina Bianca Moraru from the Faculty of Law.

Madalina B. Moraru receives eleventh ERC grant

The investigator will receive almost EUR 1.5 million over a five-year period. Madalina B. Moraru will research the role of courts in the area of international refugee law.

In total, 408 grants were approved this year, of which only three from the Czech Republic. Madalina B. Moraru’s project entitled Gatekeepers to International Refugee Law? – The Role of Courts in Shaping Access to Asylum is presented by the European Research Council as one of the profile projects, which is why more details can be found on the ERC website.

“I am very excited because historical data shows that 70 to 80 percent of the science projects funded by the ERC result in significant advances or even breakthrough discoveries in scientific research. This is the eleventh grant for a researcher from Masaryk University, which makes us one of the very top science and research institutions in the Czech Republic. Besides, this success demonstrates the meaningfulness and conceptual synergy with the internal tools provided by the university for the support of science and research from the university’s own resources,” said Rector Martin Bareš of the success of the assistant professor from the Faculty of Law who, in the past, received a grant from the Grant Agency of Masaryk University in the category MUNI Award in Science and Humanities JUNIOR. This award is bestowed upon exceptionally promising researchers and scientists with evident potential for future success in the ERC grant schemes.

In recent years scientists from the Czech Republic have received 21 grants under the ERC Starting Grants programme; with the applicant success rate being only 13.9%.