Confirmation of studies
This is a brand new app launched in early 2020 that enables you to generate a confirmation of studies for the current semester in both Czech and English. No more queuing at the Office for Studies just to get your confirmation! The confirmation generated by the system, which replaces the paper version, bears a qualified electronic seal and should be accepted everywhere.
To access the app, go to Student – During studies in IS or click on this direct link. You can only generate one confirmation per semester, which is then stored in your archive. Each confirmation contains a scanned signature, seal and a QR code for quick validity verification.
Radim Polčák, MU vice-rector for legal and policy affairs, information technologies and corporate relations, says: “The application is designed to make sure that the confirmation can be used both as an electronic document and in paper form when dealing with any public authority and for various private legal matters. Students can upload the confirmation to official data repositories (“datové schránky”) and electronic registries and send it via email.”
Checking my studies
If you are unclear about the courses required to complete your studies, the relevant requirements for each type of courses or how many requirements you have already met, you need to check out the Checking my studies app.
The app will show you all the courses that you still need to complete. This should eliminate any possibility of forgetting something by accident since the application checks your study history against the template relevant to your studies.
IS reminders
While IS gives you the option of actively checking and requesting information, it also gives you automatic reminders about the most important tasks, such as registering and enrolling in courses, enrolling in the new semester and the steps required to interrupt your studies. To make sure that your studies are not terminated due to an omission on your part, the system will display a red information banner on the homepage and will occasionally inform you via email.
At the end of the course registration period or exam period, IS will remind you that you must register again for any courses that you previously failed. It will also let you know that you need to register for more courses if your selected courses do not cover the required number of credits for the upcoming semester. And once you meet the requirements to enrol in the following semester during the exam period, IS will ask you to enrol.
Please remember that while IS can help you not to forget anything really important, you should not rely solely on the reminders: make sure that you know what is required of you.
My calendar
The IS calendar can give you an overview of several types of events in one place, such as your class schedule for the given week, key semester events such as the deadline for changes in course registration, the dates when classes start and end and the end of the exam period. It will also give you the dates of important university events and during the exam period, it will show you the exam dates that you registered for.
You can find the link to the calendar on the IS homepage. You can view a particular day, week or month or filter a specific agenda. Besides the calendar, the IS offers additional features that might come in handy. For example, you can search for courses taught at times when you have nothing else on your schedule and look up the schedules and bookings for individual classrooms at the faculty.