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MU to move to white, employee and student testing no longer mandatory

From Monday, 28 June, onwards, restrictions will be significantly lifted at Masaryk University. On Thursday, 1 July, testing will no longer be mandatory.

On Monday, 28 June, the university traffic-light system will move to white. Therefore, the only restrictions in place will be those stemming from the government’s emergency measures, for example, the requirement to wear respirators indoors.

The only university-specific measure in place will involve limitations on the number of students at lectures. At the white level, at most 150 students may be present at a lecture at one time.

This measure applies specifically to the number of people actually present in the classroom, not the course capacity. Therefore, an application in the Information System that can monitor how many people are really attending particular courses is currently being developed.

The heads of economic units may introduce stricter measures, and therefore, please stay up to date on the current rules at your faculty or workplace.

It will no longer be necessary to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test to enter MU buildings. As of 1 July, students and employees will no longer have to get tested. As of that date, all testing sites established for MU employees will be closed, and MU students will no longer have priority at the Brno Exhibition Centre testing site.

The rector has issued a new decision, according to which employees must still report if they test positive for COVID-19.

With the move to white, several changes will take place in the coming week in the record-keeping systems for testing and other electronic forms that in the past months were used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the university. During the next week, the COVID-19 Prevention app in Inet will be modified as will the reporting app for students in IS.